The Chicago Tribune published my letter to the editor in response to Charles Madigan’s humorous column in Wednesday’s, June 1, edition. My letter appears on page 22 of Section 1 at the very bottom. Also, it’s reprinted below and might still be online on the Trib’s website.

My letter is only a few sentences long but also humorous (well, at least it’s an attempt at humor). Not too shabby considering that this is the 1st time I ever wrote a letter to any newspaper.

Here’s the letter:


Keep it clean Charles Krugel Published June 3, 2005

Chicago — Kudos to Charlie Madigan for his humorous column “You talkin’ dirty to me?” (Commentary, May 31). Everyone should subscribe to my personal adage: Manners are the condoms of social intercourse. Keeping it clean doesn’t mean it can’t be fun or funny.