
My 2/27/25 Interview on Good Morning HR

Check out my 35 minute interview with Mike Coffey on the 2/27/25 Good Morning HR.   In episode 189, Coffey talks with Charles Krugel about a Day Without Immigrants-related firing, unions, the future of DEI, and the ongoing changes coming from the Trump administration. They discuss a “Day Without Immigrants” protest that led to [...]

2 New Media Interviews!

Thanks to the Chicago Bar Association & Max Barack for hosting me on their TV show Chicago Talks You & the Law on 2/20/24! Max interviewed my colleague & friend, Helen Bloch, & I for 25 minutes on New Labor & Employment Laws and Rules to know for 2024. The program is below.   [...]

3/27/23 Arirang Network’s NEWs Generation Show Interviews Me

Thanks as always to South Korean news network Arirang (The Korea International Broadcasting Foundation) for interviewing me for my fifth time since 5/1/20! I was part of their NEWs Generation program for 20 & 30 somethings. They interviewed me for their 3/27/23 piece  Will the U.S. Adopt "Right to Disconnect" Laws. Thanks to anchors Grace [...]

Two New Video Interviews: South Korea’s Arirang & Trust Radio Networks

Last Wednesday morning, 7/13/22, I was interviewed for my fourth time by South Korea's national news network Arirang's The Daily Report. It's a daily hour long news program for Arirang TV’s 2pm time-slot based in Seoul, Korea. Host Sun-hee MIN interviewed Professor OH Joon-seok of Sookmyung Women’s University & I concerning the Great Resignation—Why are [...]

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