
New Chuck Krugel Radio Interview & Employment Law Presentation

On June 6th, from 9:30 AM - 11 AM, I'll be at Chicago's City Hall, #805, presenting on How to Hire an Employee.  Thanks to the City of Chicago's Small Business Center for setting this up.  Here's their official description: This workshop will answer all of your questions in an interactive presentation focusing on issues concerning [...]

Chuck Krugel Interview on The Recruiting Animal Show – The Relationship Between Company Culture & Diversity & Whether Recruiters Contribute to Bias

On 4/10/13, I did my 7th interview for The Recruiting Animal’s Blog Talk Radio show. For about 15 minutes The Recruiting Animal & I discussed the relationship between cultural fit & diversity, & whether recruiters contribute to bias when trying to hire for fit. In addition to the podcast, below is additional information, via written [...]

New Chuck Krugel Media Interview on PSLaborTalk’s 4/10/13 Podcast

On April 10, 2013, I appeared on the PSLaborTalk podcast discussing the "Two-Front War: Micro-Unions & Corporate Campaigns." PSLaborTalk is produced by PSLC, Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants, based out of Detroit. Here's the MP3 podcast. We discussed union corporate campaigns and micro-unions. Both topics include novel union organizing tactics that specialize in comprehensive & clandestine bargaining unit certification. This episode provides [...]

2 New Chuck Krugel Media Interviews–Recruiting Animal & a Point-Counterpoint on the Chicago Teachers Union Strike Against the Chicago Public Schools

On 9/12/12, I made my 5th appearance on the Recruiting Animal's Blog Talk Radio show. This was a pretty intense & wide-ranging interview discussing the falsification of credentials when interviewing for a job (e.g., Elizabeth Warren's Native-American ancestry claim), hiring on the basis of political affiliations & beliefs, the omnipresent social media issues in HR, [...]

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