
3/27/23 Arirang Network’s NEWs Generation Show Interviews Me

Thanks as always to South Korean news network Arirang (The Korea International Broadcasting Foundation) for interviewing me for my fifth time since 5/1/20! I was part of their NEWs Generation program for 20 & 30 somethings. They interviewed me for their 3/27/23 piece  Will the U.S. Adopt "Right to Disconnect" Laws. Thanks to anchors Grace [...]

Protecting Your Employee Assets (2023/24 Ed.) – Webinar Premiering 3/29/23

Leading Professionals to Teach About Protecting Your Employee Assets: The Life Cycle Of The Employment Relationship Financial Poise Webinars™ announces “Show Them the Money: Wage & Hour Compliance,” a live webinar premiering  March 29th at 2:00 PM CST. This webinar is co-produced by West LegalEdCenter™ and part of the “Protecting Your Employee Assets: The Life [...]

Protecting Your Employee Assets 2/22/23 Webinar

Protecting Your Employee Assets (2023-2024 Ed.) – Webinar Premiering February 22, 2023 Leading Professionals to Teach About Protecting Your Employee Assets: The Life Cycle Of The Employment Relationship Financial Poise Webinars™ announces “An Ounce of Prevention: Policies, Procedures and Proactivity,” a live webinar premiering  February 22nd at 2:00 PM CST. This webinar is co-produced by [...]

Protecting Your Employee Assets (23/24 Ed.)–Webinar Premiering 1/25/23

Leading Professionals to Teach About Protecting Your Employee Assets: The Life Cycle Of The Employment Relationship 2023 Financial Poise Webinars™ announces “Welcome to the Team! Recruiting and Hiring, Including Restrictive Covenants,” a live webinar premiering  January 25th at 2:00 PM CST. This webinar is co-produced by West LegalEdCenter™ and part of the “Protecting Your Employee [...]

Contractor v. Employee: Dept. of Labor Proposed Employee Classification Rule

Contractor v. Employee: Dept. of Labor Proposed Employee Classification Rule December 19, 2022; By Charles A. Krugel Contractor v. employee violations occur in every industry. This is in part due to the regulatory processes in wage rates, labor agreements, and exemptions defining who is and who isn’t an independent contractor. To paraphrase a genial and [...]

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