“Pyramiding” of Overtime

5/21/18: There’s updates an update of pyramiding of overtime here: https://www.charlesakrugel.com/business-management/more-on-pyramiding-of-overtime-related-payroll-issues.html https://www.charlesakrugel.com/business-management/another-question-from-a-reader-regarding-pyramiding-of-overtime.html   here: https://www.charlesakrugel.com/business-management/response-to-readers-query-regarding-pyramiding-of-overtime.html; here: https://www.charlesakrugel.com/business-management/pyramiding-of-overtime-revisited.html A colleague of mine recently posed the following question to me & some other labor & employment lawyers concerning a union collective bargaining agreement & overtime (OT) compensation. Below is the complete discussion & analysis. Note that the Fair Labor [...]

Chuck Krugel Interviewed for & Quoted in First Business News 10/16/12 Story “Ballot Bullies”

First Business News' Chuck Coppola interviewed me for his 10/16/12 Cover Story "Ballot Bullies." This relates to recent reports of labor unions, companies & executives aggressively trying to influence how their employees vote (e.g., the Koch Brothers, David Siegel, Steve Wynn). Although this conduct might seem like it should be illegal, in most instances it isn't. [...]

Chuck Krugel Interviewed for First Business News’ 10/4/12 Cover Story “Loose Seats & Balance Sheets”

For his 10/4/12 cover story, "Loose Seats & Balance Sheets," for First Business News, reporter Chuck Coppola interviewed me about American Airlines' recent safety & labor struggles.  The 2-minute story is below & also available here.  This was my 4th interview for First Business News, concerning labor & employment law & HR related matters, since March 28, [...]

2 New Chuck Krugel Media Interviews–Recruiting Animal & a Point-Counterpoint on the Chicago Teachers Union Strike Against the Chicago Public Schools

On 9/12/12, I made my 5th appearance on the Recruiting Animal's Blog Talk Radio show. This was a pretty intense & wide-ranging interview discussing the falsification of credentials when interviewing for a job (e.g., Elizabeth Warren's Native-American ancestry claim), hiring on the basis of political affiliations & beliefs, the omnipresent social media issues in HR, [...]

2 New Chuck Krugel TV & Print Interviews – First Business News & AMEX Open Forum

On August 27, 2012, I was interviewed by First Business News’ Chuck Coppola, for his Cover Story “Labor Pains.” This is a 2:20 story about the current state of labor unions in America & their current political clout in this presidential election year. I have two spots in the story, at 33 seconds into it & [...]

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