Labor and Employment Law

Employment Policies and Handbooks – To Be or Not To Be, That is the Question, Part 2

This post continues the discussion that began with my prior post. After deciding whether to have employment policies and which policies to have, a business should determine what form these policies should take. Such forms may include an electronic document, a written memo, a multi-page document, a bound manual, or a combination of these. Alternatively, [...]

Employment Policies and Handbooks – To Be or Not To Be, That is the Question, part 1

Among my clients and many other businesses the question often arises: Do we need written employment policies or employee handbooks or manuals? The following is what I usually advise and why. In general, there’s no statute mandating that businesses have such policies or manuals. But, relative to public sector contracts, most government agencies require that [...]

Illinois’ Employee Classification Act Question – Posting Notice

I've been asked about posting notice for the Illinois Employee Classification Act.  For  more information about the Act, see my 2/10/08 post. This is a simple provision of the Act.  It's contained in Section 15 Notice.  All businesses with "one or more individuals perform[ing] services who are not classified as employees under . . . [...]

Illinois’ Employee Classification Act of 2008

A client recently asked me about a new State of Illinois law the Employee Classification Act (if the link is expired, then check Google), public act 095-0026, which became effective January 1, 2008. I thought that a brief post might be useful considering that there might be some confusion regarding this Act. Additionally, I've noticed [...]

Interesting Comment: “Response to Reader’s Questions Regarding Severance & Separation Agreements”

Sometimes a reader's comment is so on target that it's worth its own post. Fellow attorney Michael Moore of Russell, Krafft & Gruber, LLP, in Lancaster, PA, sent me the following comment concerning my December 2, 2007, post "Response to Reader's Questions Regarding Severance & Separation Agreements." Chuck: The strength of a severance agreement containing [...]

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