Labor and Employment Law

New Chuck Krugel Seminars & Media

On Thursday, April 16, 2009, labor and employment attorneys Lawrence Donoghue and I will be presenting an employer focused seminar on the Employee Free Choice Act (AKA Card Check Bill) at the Greater O'Hare Association.  The seminar runs from 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM at the GOA, 650 E. Devon Ave., #155, Itasca.  It's $10 [...]

New Chuck Krugel Radio Interview on Employee Free Choice Act 4/1/09

This coming Wednesday, April 1, 10 AM-11 AM (CST), Steve Swirsky, Partner, Epstein, Becker & Green in NYC, & I will be the featured guests on Voice America's program "Return on Human Capital." The subject of our live interview will be the Employee Free Choice Act & other proposed "worker freedom acts".  If any of [...]

Response to Comments from My Prior Post on “Ruse Calling”

My post on "rusing" or "ruse calling" led to a number of interesting and instructive comments.  I thought that it might be worthwhile to respond to them in a single post. First, I think that it's a novel concept to equate employees as being the same as "property," especially in the context of criminally convicting [...]

Chicago’s Republic Windows to Reopen With New Owners Which the Labor Union Helped to Obtain

Interesting items about Republic Windows & Doors based in Chicago’s Goose Island neighborhood.  The buyout was just announced.  The two articles below report the buyout and summarize some of what led to that. My additional comments also summarize the dispute, and discuss today’s announced buyout’s broader implications for labor management relations: (Crain’s Chicago/AP article) [...]

2/17/09 Discussion With U.S. Congressman Peter Roskam (R, 6th Dist., IL) Regarding the Employee Free Choice Act

Today, about 25 business people & I attended a roundtable discussion with U.S. Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL, 6th District, O’Hare Suburbs; DuPage County) regarding the increasingly controversial Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). It was a fantastic & frank forum.  The animus against this act was palpable in the room; as was Congressman Roskam’s. The general [...]

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