Labor and Employment Law

Call for Survey Participation: Empirical Research in Employment Law for Masters Thesis

The following is from a masters candidate in industrial/organizational psychology. I've already taken the survey myself.  Hopefully, this research will produce useful results. My name is Erica Drew and I am currently an industrial/organizational psychology graduate student at Florida International University, collecting data for my masters thesis. The purpose of this research is to gain [...]

By |2021-03-17T05:43:10-05:00October 11th, 2010|Labor and Employment Law|0 Comments

A Practitioner’s Perspective: Responding To Regulatory Agency Complaints

The below article, written by me, will soon be published, in two parts, on a few different online law and business websites.  Once published, I’ll provide direct links to those articles.  However, the entire article is presented below. A PRACTITIONER’S PERSPECTIVE: RESPONDING TO REGULATORY AGENCY COMPLAINTS For business owners, one of the most troubling aspects [...]

Sporadic Summer Posting

Due to having 4 federal cases, 2 state cases & 3 union negotiations & related labor-management matters ongoing at the same time & most nearing some form of resolution, my posting this Spring & Summer has been sporadic. On the other hand, union activity seems to be increasing among small businesses in the private sector. [...]

New Chuck Krugel Seminars & Media

On Wednesday, April 21, 2010, from noon until 1:30PM, I’ll be presenting the labor & employment law primer at the Business Connections Luncheon – Best Practices Part 1 for the Lake Zurich Chamber of Commerce & SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives;  The presentation format will be largely Q & A with handouts provided.  [...]

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