Labor and Employment Law

New Client Testimonial – Centro Romero

Charles Krugel provided our organization with highly effective legal advice. Chuck understands not only how the legal systems works, but also the particulars of smaller non profits that may not deal with employment issues often. Not only did he resolve our case satisfactorily, but he was always available when we needed him on more than [...]

New Chuck Krugel Presentation 8/25/11 in Skokie, IL @ The Business Event

I'll be presenting an hour to 90-minute long seminar on the employee versus independent contractor classifications.  Attendees will learn about the laws affecting employee classification, & how companies can avoid simple mistakes & litigation.  My presentation runs from 2PM until about 3 or 3:30PM.   Thanks to Mohammed Faheem & Debra Lawrence of Illinois workNet Centers [...]

New Seminar-Panel Presentation

On Thursday, July 28, from 8 AM until about 11 AM, I’ll be part of a panel discussing early stage business growth & how expanding businesses can properly build-out their infrastructure, train their staff and market their services. This is a free seminar & sponsored by the Small Business Advocacy Council in Chicago.  Here's the [...]

I Win a Case for a Client in Federal Court in Chicago & Reach Very Favorable Terms for Another Client Before the NLRB

This June, I won a summary judgment (i.e., dismissal) motion in federal court in Chicago. This case involved a client’s ex-employee who was allegedly fired in violation of their constitutional rights. My client, a social services agency in Chicago, was alleged to have acted in concert and as an arm of the state of Illinois (“state [...]

New Chuck Krugel Presentations/Seminars

I've got three labor & employment law & HR presentations coming up in June & July. The June presentations concern social media issues in the workplace and how various government agencies are hammering on employers for monitoring and regulating employee usage of social media like Facebook. On June 1 & June 8, 7:45 AM, I'm [...]

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