Labor and Employment Law

Chuck Krugel Quoted in “Bad News Can Be Good For a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit-An employer may build a stronger defense against a problem employee by digging up more evidence of misconduct”

Thanks to Dawn Lomer of i-Sight Blog – News & Tools for Better Investigations for quoting me in her 11/22/11 article “Bad News Can Be Good For a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit-An employer may build a stronger defense against a problem employee by digging up more evidence of misconduct.” The full text is below. Bad News [...]

I Settle 2 Employment Civil Rights Complaints for $625 Each

Due to confidentiality issues, I won't disclose any information that may reveal a parties' identity. Very recently, one of my clients had 2 civil rights complaints filed against them with an enforcement agency by the same employee. Each complaint was a few months apart and were sort of "kitchen sink" complaints.  That is, the employee [...]

New Chuck Krugel Radio Interview

On Wednesday, October 26, 2011, The Recruiting Animal welcomed me back to his BlogTalkRadio show for the 3rd time to discuss contract issues for recruiters and their principals. My segment lasts about 15 minutes.  The interview is here (MP3) (not the whole show, just my segment) or here. We discussed the practice of recruiters announcing that they'll be conducting interviews for a [...]

Chuck Krugel Interviewed on the Daily National

On Wednesday, October 12, 2011, I was interviewed on the Daily National,, by one of their reporters Karl Kappler. The Daily National is a multimedia news/opinion site that features original TV and radio interviews and commentary with experts, bloggers and newsmakers. My interview with them concerned an overview of labor & employment law & [...]

Social Media, Human Resources & Labor & Employment Law 10/5/11 Handout

Here's the handout for my llinois WorkNet of Northern Cook County, Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity & Crain’s Chicago Small Business Week presentation on social media & HR & legal issues.  A PDF version is available here.

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