Labor and Employment Law

What’s the Fallout From Indiana’s Passing Its Right to Work Law Just Before Super Bowl Sunday? Nothing-It Appears that Unions Concede Defeat

Last week, the state of Indiana passed its own right to work statute, thus becoming our nation's 23rd & one of the few Midwestern right to work states. For a summary of what this means, check out this 2/1/12 New York Times article. Illinois, where I'm located & which intensely competes with Indiana (as well [...]

1/18/12 Chuck Krugel Radio Interview – The Recruiting Animal Blog Talk Radio Show

On Wednesday, 1/18/12, The Recruiting Animal welcomed me back to his BlogTalkRadio show for the 4th time to discuss contract issues for recruiters and their principals. I was intereviewed for a little more than an hour regarding ethical & conduct reltated issues among recruiters & HR professionals. The interview is here (MP3) or here on Recruiting Animal's site. The intereview [...]

New Chuck Krugel Presentation @ Chicago’s City Hall 1/18/12

On 1/18/12 from 3PM--4:30PM, I'll be doing my "umpteenth" presentation for Chicago's Department of Business Affairs. As usual, my seminar will focus on understanding labor & employment law & human resources from a business' perspective. This is at Chicago's City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Department of Business Affairs, #801. If you'd like to register [...]

This Website is #4 on the Best Labor & Employment Law Sites as Ranked by ranks my website as the 4th best website in the Labor & Employment Law area.  My site is the highest ranking law firm & nongovernmental or reference site in the field.  This isn't a "pay for play" site or designation. According to DreamDolphin Media, the creators of BSN: Every site on was reviewed and [...]

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