Labor and Employment Law

Chuck Krugel Interviewed on First Business’ Nationally Syndicated TV Show 5/31/12

On 5/31/12, I was interviewed by First Business’ Chuck Coppola for their nationally syndicated show. The topic was the recently filed federal lawsuit against United Airlines, 12-cv-02730.  This is a race discrimination lawsuit brought by 24 black employees who claim that they were denied promotions into management as a result of their race.   The entire 2:12 program [...]

By Caroline Castagno: ERISA Plan Termination

ERISA PLAN TERMINATION A looming ERISA plan termination affects administrators of retirement plans and employees alike. It is important for both parties to understand the laws and procedures involved when benefit programs for employees are called into question. In the following article, we will discuss mandates and compliance regulations related to ERISA plan termination in [...]

The Feds are Checking Employer Background Checks

On April 25, 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC—they regulate workplace issues like discrimination) issued new rules concerning businesses use of criminal background screening. The EEOC’s motivation behind these new rules is their concern that minorities are being unintentionally discriminated against in the workplace due to the higher number of minority arrests & convictions [...]

New 401k Rules to Ramp Up 401k Fee Litigation & Outsourcing to 3rd Party Fiduciaries

These are 2 posts concerning the coming changes in 401k administration rules from Joshua E. Betancourt at Quantum Capital Investments. How Business Owners and Corporations are at Risk Due to Recent 401k Regulation It has been 36 years since the passage of ERISA (Employment Retirement Income Security Act) and as a result there has been [...]

5/17/12 Presentation @ the Small Business Development Center/Duman Entrepreneurship Center

On Thursday, May 17, I’ll be presenting a free seminar for small businesses on How Labor & Employment Law Impacts Small Businesses’ Bottom Line. This will be at the Jewish Vocational Services’ Illinois SBDC (Small Business Development Center)/Duman Entrepreneurship Center, 3:30PM-5:30PM at 216 West Jackson Blvd., 2nd Floor Training Room, Chicago. Like most of my presentations, this will be an [...]

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