Labor and Employment Law

New Chuck Krugel Presentation, 3/20/13 @ Chicago’s City Hall

On Wednesday, March 20, from 3PM-5PM, I'll be giving a labor & employment law primer for businesses at the City of Chicago's Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection. This is my 11th such presentation for them. It's free to attend. Like my previous presentations, this will be a questions & answer based discussion concerning [...]

Chuck Krugel Quoted in Workplace Violence Article

Thanks to Dr. Lynne Curry of The Growth Company for quoting me in her 2/25/13 article, The Company’s At Fault…Or Is It? This was also published in the 2/25/13 edition of The Anchorage Daily News as Lynne Curry: Many companies not prepared for workplace violence. The article is also below. Also, following the article is a really complimentary email [...]

Chuck Krugel Article Published as Legal Alert on The Law Project’s Website

For a number of years now, I’ve done pro bono work for The Law Project (TLP). Since 1985, the Law Project has provided free legal services to nonprofits & small businesses. TLP is a project of the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc. Since the economic collapse of 2008, many nonprofits have been in financial [...]

Chuck Krugel Part of Panel Presentation on 2/19/13 – “How Do We Get Rid of Her?”

On Tuesday, 2/19/13, from 4 PM to 5:30 PM, I'll be a part of the following panel presentation at: Hiring & Firing: Saper Law Seminar on February 19th from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Saper Law often receives inquiries related to employment law issues.  For example: This employee is awful.  How do I get rid [...]

Chuck Krugel Quoted in Investor’s Business Daily’s Article “Facebook Legal Issue: Employer Or Employees Account?”

Thanks to reporter Ken Spencer Brown for quoting me in his 1/18/13 Investor’s Business Daily article on workplace social media issues, “Facebook Legal Issue: Employer Or Employees Account?” Additionally, he interviewed & quoted my colleague Daliah Saper of her firm Saper Law Offices (intellectual property) in Chicago for this article too. The article is available on IBD’s website, [...]

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