Labor and Employment Law

New Chuck Krugel Media Interview on PSLaborTalk’s 4/10/13 Podcast

On April 10, 2013, I appeared on the PSLaborTalk podcast discussing the "Two-Front War: Micro-Unions & Corporate Campaigns." PSLaborTalk is produced by PSLC, Permanent Solutions Labor Consultants, based out of Detroit. Here's the MP3 podcast. We discussed union corporate campaigns and micro-unions. Both topics include novel union organizing tactics that specialize in comprehensive & clandestine bargaining unit certification. This episode provides [...]

4/25 Chuck Krugel Presentation, Part of the Federal Reserve Bank’s Money Smart Week

On Thursday, April 25, from 10 AM - 12 PM, I'll be presenting "The Cost of  Labor & Employment Law & HR for Small or Developing Businesses." In this workshop, learn how much misunderstanding or mishandling labor and employment law & human resources related matters can cost your small or developing business. This is part [...]

New Chuck Krugel Presentation – West LegalEdcenter, the SBAC & Financial Poise Present “So, You’re Hiring Your First Full Time Employee?” Webinar April 3

On April 3rd, from 3 PM - 4 PM, I'll be part of the panel presentation "So, You’re Hiring Your First Full Time Employee?" It's sponsored by West Legal EdCenter, Financial Poise & the Small Business Advocacy Council. This is a webinar. Continuing legal education & other CE credits are available with this presentation. Speakers include: * [...]

2 New Chuck Krugel Media Interviews

On March 13, 2013, I did my 6th interview on the Recruiting Animal’s Blog Talk Radio show. I’ve been appearing on his show since way back in 2008. This time around we talked about whether or not LinkedIn intentionally or unintentionally discriminates against minorities (i.e., legally protected classes).  Animal has read some articles claiming that [...]

Discussion With A Client About Classifying Employees as W2s Versus 1099s (Independent Contractors)

While meeting with a client regarding their company's human capital issues, we discussed their businesses' transition from classifying workers as 1099s to W2s. Due to confidentiality concerns, I won't disclose much about the business, & of course, they gave me permission to post about this conversation. A little more than a year ago, my client reclassified workers [...]

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