Labor and Employment Law

New Chuck Krugel Presentation on 6/20/13 sponsored by the Skokie Chamber of Commerce, National Able Network, Business & Career Services, Inc. of Illinois, the Illinois Department of Employment Security & Illinois WorkNet Centers

On Thursday, 6/20/13, at 4 PM, I’ll be presenting my employee vs. independent contractor employee classification seminar. This will be an open discussion of the differences between 1099 & W-2 classifications, why this has become such a huge legal issue (hint: the post 2008 economy), the monetary penalties & other problems incurred due to misclassification [...]

When Getting Sued Might Be Good

Generally, a lawsuit is the worst way to resolve a labor dispute. But sometimes, it could be the only & best way. Case in point, recently I helped a client resolve a difficult union dispute by convincing them that getting sued by their labor union would work to their advantage. For many reasons, I won’t [...]

Chuck Krugel Presentation-Independent Contractors (1099s) Versus Employees (W-2s) Classification Concerns; 6/5/13

I'm presenting this on the 5th.  You can click on the images to get more info. & to register or click here. This will be a highly interactive seminar. Attendees are encouraged to ask any questions, real or hypothetical. In case there's any doubt-yes, I'm real.

New Chuck Krugel Webinar – Protecting HR During Internal Investigations; 5/16/13

Register Here Protecting HR During Internal Investigations Protecting HR Live Webinar Only – $209.00 Protecting HR Live Webinar + Recording – $279.00 Protecting HR During Internal Investigations How to Protect HR During Investigations and What Happens When You Don’t Thursday, May 16 at 3:00pm ET | (2:00pm CT, 1:00pm MT, 12:00pm PT) Duration: 90 minutes [...]

I’m Featured in

On 5/2, I was featured in, modus operandi or method of operating. interviews & features entrepreneurs across all industries & from around the world. They focus on entrepreneurship & what makes entrepreneurs tick.  My profile is available here & below. Thanks to everyone at for this. “Pay very close attention to a candidate’s behavior & [...]

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