Labor and Employment Law

New Chuck Krugel Social Media & Workplace Legal Issues Presentation, 9/19/13, at Assurance University

Thanks to Assurance for setting up this presentation. Thursday, September 19, 2013 Assurance, 1750 East Golf Road, 2nd Floor Schaumburg, IL 60173 Registration: 8 – 8:30 a.m. CT; Seminar: 8:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. CT Assurance University presents...Social Media- Don't Let Your Company Take the Fall More than 75 percent of companies use some form of social [...]

New Chuck Krugel Presentation, 9/11/13, Social Media & Workplace Legal Issues

MONTHLY BUSINESS EMPLOYER CLUB USEFUL INFORMATION FOR YOUR COMPANY'S SUCCESS  Il Business & Career Services at the Arlington Hts Illinois workNet Center presents:  Free Business Success Workshop series for employers (This workshop is limited to employers) Employer Workshop:  Wednesday, September 11th 8:45 AM Social Media: Legal Issues & Employer Policies - What Employers Need to Know About [...]

Medical Marijuana & the Illinois Workplace by Tim Thoelecke, President, InOut Labs

Tim Thoelecke is President of InOut Labs, Morton Grove, IL 60053, 847-657-7900. He quotes me in the following article he wrote. Medical marijuana and the Illinois workplace. And why you should care. On August 1, 2013, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law the “Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act.” Whether you support it or not, it [...]

2 PowerPoint Slide Presentations From My Recent Seminars

Attached are 2 PowerPoint slide presentations from recent seminars I've given. The 1st is from "Protecting HR During Internal Investigations: How to Protect HR During Internal Investigations & What Happens When You Don’t."  This was an in-depth analysis of federal court cases largely stating that internal HR/HC (human capital) investigators, who investigate harassment & discrimination, aren’t protected [...]

2 New Chuck Krugel Presentations in July: 7/25 Webinar-Social Media & HR Law; & 7/31 Employment Law Update, Panel Presentation

I've got 2 new presentations this month. On 7/25, I'll be doing my 2nd webinar for Avant Resources. This will be a comprehensive analysis of social media & workplace policies. Emphasis will be placed on how an employer can establish ownership of social media accounts & content, & how employers can manage what employees post [...]

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