Labor and Employment Law

New Chuck Krugel Presentations

I'm just catching up on posting recent & upcoming presentations. One already occurred & the rest are soon. Also, my new website should be up & running soon. The prototype is looking really cool, if I do say so myself. On 2/7/14, I did another webinar for Financial Poise & West Legal Ed Center.  "Were the Employees Stealing" [...]

Handout From My 12/19/13 Webinar on The Future of Labor Unions in the Private Sector; What you Need to Know About Micro-Unions, Work Centers and Right-to-Work Laws

Here's my PowerPoint presentation from my 12/19/13 webinar on The Future of Labor Unions in the Private Sector What you Need to Know About Micro-Unions, Work Centers and Right-to-Work Laws.  It's 32 slides & available here as a PDF. I'll be doing more presentations for Avant Resources, City of Chicago's Department of Business Affairs, Assurance University, Financial Poise [...]

New Webinar, New Board Chair Appointment & New Website

I've got a new website coming soon. My blog will still be the guts of the redesign. It's being done by the highly recommended & gifted designer of this current site, Alex Mielus. Last Friday, I was appointed the 2014 Chair for the Board of Directors of the GOA Regional Business Association (Growth, Opportunity & Alliance). [...]

Should You Fire an Employee Who Lies? (Chuck Krugel Interviewed & Quoted)

Thanks to Gwen Moran, reporter for for interviewing & quoting me for her 11/19/13 article about firing employees who lie. The article is below. I should point out that in real instances, clients & I have decided not to fire employees who stole money or items from work with the understanding that they sign [...]

Handout From My 11/6 FMLA Presentation

I'm posting my handout from my 11/6 FMLA presentation; see my prior post for more info.  The handout is a 31-slide PowerPoint overview of the FMLA.  There's also an additional 11 pages of U.S. Dept. of Labor FMLA forms.  Just click on the link & you'll be taken to a PDF version of it — FMLA Presentation 11/6/13.

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