Labor and Employment Law

I’m Quoted & Cited in 3 New Articles: Interactive Article-7 Deadly Sins of FLSA Compliance; in Obesity & Hiring: Steering Clear of Legal Trouble; & How Freelancers Are Forced to Fend for Themselves Against Sexual Harassment

Thanks to for interviewing me for their FLSA compliance related article, 7 Deadly Sins of FLSA. It's in a cool interactive format. You can also read the entirety of the sections that I'm quoted in, as a PDF here: flsa-7-deadly-sins. Also, thanks to Broadly (a channel) for quoting me in their article How Freelancers Are [...]

Financial Poise™ Announces “EMPLOYMENT LAW 101,” Episode #3 of the Webinar Series “ONE HOUR LAW SCHOOL 2016,” Premiering November 18th, 2pm CST through West LegalEdcenter

Financial Poise™ Webinars and West LegalEdcenter are pleased to announce the November 18th premiere of a new webinar “Employment Law 101" designed to introduce attorneys and business owners to the basics of managing human capital. Moderator Robert Sieland of DeVry Education Group is joined by panelists from Arnstein & Lehr, Hoge Fenton, Outten & Golden [...]

3 November Presentations-I’m Speaking @ the Midwest Corporate Counsel Forum, 11/16/16 @ Chicago’s Union League Club; 11/2 FLSA Wage/Hour Presentation @ IDES Arlington Heights; & 11/30 Social Media & Workplace Law Presentation @ Chicago’s City Hall

11/16 16; Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. Union League Club of Chicago 65 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, IL To register: Join other corporate counsel, compliance officers, litigators, business attorneys and litigation technology experts on a variety of important specialties! Hear practical insights and network with decision makers. The faculty will share practical insights with [...]

My Site is Nominated for The Expert Institute’s Best Legal Blog Contest

Vote! My website has Been Nominated for The Expert Institute's Best Legal Blog Contest. It's an open voting format that allows participants one vote per blog, the competition will be a true test of the dedication of each blog’s existing readers, while also giving up-and-coming players in the legal blogging space exposure to a wider [...]

I’m Quoted in Articles on Employment Practices Insurance (EPLI) & Politics @ Work

Thanks to TriNet for quoting me in their 9/29/16 blog article "EPLI: These 4 Letters Could Save Your Business." Also, thanks to Kjerstin Johnson for quoting me in her article for The FruitGuys Cast Your Ballot—For Civility, about politics in the workplace. Both Articles are below. EPLI: These 4 Letters Could Save Your Business If an employee [...]

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