Labor and Employment Law

My 3/13/18 Facebook Live Presentation Concerning Wage & Hour Disputes & Litigation for the Roller Skating Association International’s Section 7 Annual Meeting

Below is my Facebook Live presentation concerning wage & hour disputes & litigation. I spoke for about an hour on 3/13/18 for the Roller Skating Association International's Section 7 Annual Meeting in Champaign, IL. My handout for the presentation is here (PDF) & below.

Financial Poise™ Premieres “PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSETS – Show Them the Money: Wage & Hour Compliance,” a Webinar, Airing March 20th at 3pm CST

Financial Poise™ Webinars and West LegalEdcenter are pleased to announce the March 20th premiere of a new webinar, “PROTECTING YOUR EMPLOYEE ASSETS -Show Them the Money: Wage & Hour Compliance," which helps employers find and fix potential wage and hour pitfalls.   Employers must be mindful of the risks posed by misclassifying individuals as exempt [...]

Opening Statements in Arbitration & Other Hearings

Recently, I saw a video from an experienced attorney advising that all attorneys given an opening statement during arbitration. I disagree. Anyone else have thoughts on this? I've waived opening & closing statements in proceedings before, wherein I've defended the employers, & have still won those proceedings. My rationale is that the arbitrator or decision [...]

Sexual & Other Forms of Harassment in the Workplace in the #MeToo Era Presentation @ Chicago’s City Hall, 3/21, & I’m Speaking Before the Roller Skating Association International on Wage/Hour Litigation on 3/13

Sexual & Other Forms of Harassment in the Workplace in the #MeToo Era, 3/21/18, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. @ City Hall, 121 N. La Salle St - 8th Floor, Room 805. Presented by Charles Krugel, a Management Side Labor & Employment & Human Resource Attorney. Attend this workshop & understand what harassment looks like, how to [...]

LexisNexis Complimentary Sexual Harassment Webinar 2/28; CLE Eligible; I’m a Panelist

From Hollywood’s Dirty Secrets to Your Workplace: Employer Considerations in the #MeToo Era LEXISNEXIS® PRESENTS A COMPLIMENTARY CLE-ELIGIBLE* WEBINAR: Start Date:2/28/2018 Start Time:2 – 3:35 P.M. ET Duration:90 minutes Earn:1.5 CLE Credits - Questions? Technical About this Webcast: There have always been high-profile cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault involving entertainers and politicians.  To [...]

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