Labor and Employment Law

“Fair Work Week,” “Predictive Scheduling” & “Predictive Pay” Laws

A client recently asked me about "fair work week," "predictive scheduling," & "predictive pay" laws, particularly San Francisco's laws. I thought that our discussion would make an interesting blog post. The backstory on these types of laws is that they're a reaction to our 2008 economic collapse; the backlash against Wall Street; alleged lack of [...]

Financial Poise™ Premieres “It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye: Minimizing Risk When Terminating Employees,” a Webinar, Airing 6/19 @ 3pm CST; I’m a Panelist

Financial Poise™ Premieres “It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye: Minimizing Risk When Terminating Employees," a Webinar, Airing June 19th at 3pm CST Financial Poise™ Webinars and West LegalEdcenter are pleased to announce the June 19th premiere of a new webinar, “It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye: Minimizing Risk When Terminating Employees," which discusses best practices [...]

I’m Quoted in ABA Journal Article “How Pro Bono Representations Lead to Paid Work for Lawyers;” New Client Testimonial; 6/20 Employee Classification & Compensation Seminar @ Chicago’s City Hall; & My LinkedIn Group Now Has 3,600+ Members

6/20 Employee Classification & Compensation Concerns City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St – 8th Floor, Room 805 Presented by Charles Krugel, a Management Side Labor, Employment and Human Resource Attorney. This workshop will be a discussion of the legal and record keeping issues concerning the independent contractor & employee classifications, as well as hourly vs. salaried compensation & [...]

I’m Quoted in Business News Daily’s “You’re Being Sued: A Guide to Handling a Business Lawsuit;” & I’m Presenting @ Financial Poise™ & West LegalEdcenter’s “Employment Law 101,” Webinar on 5/22 part of the “ONE HOUR LAW SCHOOL” Webinar Series

You're Being Sued: A Guide to Handling a Business Lawsuit By Marci Martin, Business News Daily Contributing Writer; May 17, 2018 07:20 am EST You hoped it would never happen, but in the back of your mind, you knew it could: Your small business is being sued. Now what? Whether it has been filed by an employee, [...]

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