Human Resources

Thoughts on Private Sector Union Relations

I recently completed my 3rd union negotiation & dispute resolution resolution of the past 6 months.  One case involved a successful union decertification, & the other 2 involved settlements before the NLRB. For a variety of reasons, I won’t identify my clients or the unions we dealt with. The reasons for confidentiality include confidentiality agreements [...]

3 New Chuck Krugel Presentations

I’ve got 3 labor & employment law & HR seminars coming up. 1st on 2/25/11 at 9:30 AM, I’ll be doing another presentation for the city of Chicago’s Department of Business Affairs in their conference room at Chicago’s City Hall, #805, 121 N. LaSalle St.  Thanks to the Department of Business Affairs for setting this [...]

AIDS and the ADA: Maneuvering Through a Legal Minefield; My 1st Publication

During my 3rd year of law school, my first article “AIDS and the ADA: Maneuvering Through a Legal Minefield,” was published in Commerce Clearing House’s the Labor Law Journal, Vol. 44, No. 7, July 1993.  Due to the classic and outstanding status of my article (it’s been extremely lucrative for CCH  ), you can’t easily [...]

New Chuck Krugel Presentations

On Wednesday, December 2, 2010, I'll be presenting for the Chicago Bar Association's Business Law Committee's monthly lunch meeting at the Chicago Bar Association's building on 321 S. Plymouth St., Chicago.  The topic of my presentation concerns employment handbooks and policies--why (or why not) businesses should use them, which policies to use and how to [...]

The Impact of the Mid-Term Elections on Small-to-Medium Sized Business Regarding Labor and Employment Relations

Excerpts from the following article are also available on's BizBox small business blog. It appears that our mid-term election results will probably have little impact for small-to-medium sized businesses in the immediate future (the remainder of 2010 into the first quarter of 2011). More specifically, there doesn't appear to be any clear message sent [...]

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