
New Chuck Krugel Media – Interview on the Recruiting Animal Show & Article/Editorial on Slate.com’s BizBox Small Biz Blog

The Recruiting Animal welcomed me on his BlogTalkRadio show for the 3rd time Wednesday, April 6, 2011, to discuss contract issues for recruiters and their principals. My segment lasts about 10 minutes.  More specifically, we discussed legal issues concerning a company’s contract to utilize a recruiter’s skills for a position to be filled on a [...]

Chuck Krugel Presentation on 4/6/11 – Using Social Media to Recruit & Hire Employees

I'll be continuing my labor & employment law presentations for Illinois workNet Centers sponsored by workNet, the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) & the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity. My next presentation is on Wednesday, April 6, 2011, from 7:45 AM - 9 AM.  It's at the Arlington Heights IDES office at [...]

AIDS and the ADA: Maneuvering Through a Legal Minefield; My 1st Publication

During my 3rd year of law school, my first article “AIDS and the ADA: Maneuvering Through a Legal Minefield,” was published in Commerce Clearing House’s the Labor Law Journal, Vol. 44, No. 7, July 1993.  Due to the classic and outstanding status of my article (it’s been extremely lucrative for CCH  ), you can’t easily [...]

Book Review – Hire Hot Dogs, Fire Baloney; Hiring the Best

A few months ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Don Paullin the owner and founder of Hiring Firing Experts, Inc., and the author of the book reviewed here Hire Hotdogs, Fire Baloney; Hiring the Best. Don has 20-plus years of experience in the HR and operations field working for large corporations and now consulting [...]

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (“GINA”) Effective November 21, 2009

On my LinkedIn group, California based attorney and group member Stefan Miller posted some great information about the recently effective Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (“GINA”). This information is concise and easy to read. So, I thought that it would be useful to post here too.  This post includes discussion between other group members discussing GINA. [...]

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