
Chuck Krugel Quoted Extensively in Employment Law & HR Article on Hewlett-Packard’s Business Blog

Thanks to Lisa Vaas, reporter for HP’s business blog Input Output for interviewing & quoting me in her 2/9/12 article What to Do When an Employee Cries (Legal) Wolf.  The full text of the article is below.  The title says it all.  The article concerns what happens when employees threaten to sue in order to [...]

1/18/12 Chuck Krugel Radio Interview – The Recruiting Animal Blog Talk Radio Show

On Wednesday, 1/18/12, The Recruiting Animal welcomed me back to his BlogTalkRadio show for the 4th time to discuss contract issues for recruiters and their principals. I was intereviewed for a little more than an hour regarding ethical & conduct reltated issues among recruiters & HR professionals. The interview is here (MP3) or here on Recruiting Animal's site. The intereview [...]

New Chuck Krugel Presentation Part of Crain’s Chicago Small Business Week, 10/5/11

Thanks to Illinois WorkNet of Northern Cook County & Crain's Chicago Business, I'll be presenting on social media & legal & HR issues as part of Crain's Chicago Small Business Week.  This will be at IL WorkNet's Arlington Heights office on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, from 8:30 AM - 11:30 Am, 723 W. Algonquin Rd., AH, [...]

New Seminar-Panel Presentation

On Thursday, July 28, from 8 AM until about 11 AM, I’ll be part of a panel discussing early stage business growth & how expanding businesses can properly build-out their infrastructure, train their staff and market their services. This is a free seminar & sponsored by the Small Business Advocacy Council in Chicago.  Here's the [...]

New Chuck Krugel Presentations/Seminars

I've got three labor & employment law & HR presentations coming up in June & July. The June presentations concern social media issues in the workplace and how various government agencies are hammering on employers for monitoring and regulating employee usage of social media like Facebook. On June 1 & June 8, 7:45 AM, I'm [...]

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