
Discussion With A Client About Classifying Employees as W2s Versus 1099s (Independent Contractors)

While meeting with a client regarding their company's human capital issues, we discussed their businesses' transition from classifying workers as 1099s to W2s. Due to confidentiality concerns, I won't disclose much about the business, & of course, they gave me permission to post about this conversation. A little more than a year ago, my client reclassified workers [...]

2 New Chuck Krugel Media Interviews–Recruiting Animal & a Point-Counterpoint on the Chicago Teachers Union Strike Against the Chicago Public Schools

On 9/12/12, I made my 5th appearance on the Recruiting Animal's Blog Talk Radio show. This was a pretty intense & wide-ranging interview discussing the falsification of credentials when interviewing for a job (e.g., Elizabeth Warren's Native-American ancestry claim), hiring on the basis of political affiliations & beliefs, the omnipresent social media issues in HR, [...]

The Feds are Checking Employer Background Checks

On April 25, 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC—they regulate workplace issues like discrimination) issued new rules concerning businesses use of criminal background screening. The EEOC’s motivation behind these new rules is their concern that minorities are being unintentionally discriminated against in the workplace due to the higher number of minority arrests & convictions [...]

4 New Chuck Krugel Presentations & 3 New Boards of Directors & Advisory Board Appointments

I've got 3 new presentations that are upcoming & 1 that I did last week that's worthy of mention. Plus, in the past few weeks, I joined a new board of directors & 2 advisory boards. On 4/4/12, I did my 6th presentation for Illinois WorkNet of Northern Cook County, part of the Illinois Department of [...]

2 New Chuck Krugel Video & Audio Interviews

On 3/27/12, I was interviewed by First Business' Angie Miles for their nationally syndicated morning broadcast. The subject of discussion is the recent issue of employers asking employees and job candidates for Facebook & other social media passwords & obtaining access to private information on social media. This has also been a recent topic of [...]

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