New 5-Star Client Testiomonial-Advancing Nonprofits

ángela munguía Chuck Krugel is an excellent and incredibly professional attorney. He is attentive, detailed and a wonderful communicator. He provides great advice and realistic explanations that enabled us to make decisions that were best for our organization while maintaining a commitment to our values. His prompt turnaround also made things much easier. I highly [...]

Two New 5 Star Client Testimonials

Maria Rasmussen Maria Rasmussen Advanced Window Corp. Accounting & Payroll Department 4935 W. Le Moyne Street, Chicago, IL 60651 773-379-3500 Chuck Krugel is an excellent attorney to have on your side. He communicates very well, responding to emails quickly and providing regular updates along with legal analysis and advice. His methods and expertise were very [...]

New Client Testimonial

Ken Bertolucci   Chuck was an excellent guide to help us navigate a challenging employee matter. He provided good explanations and advice that allowed us to reach a fair settlement for all parties. He has also been helpful with a Union matter involving one of our clients, providing excellent guidance and allowing the matter to [...]

Mangagement & Unions Working Together Can Be Effective! Oak Leyden Developmental Services is an Example

Years ago, I represented Oak Leyden Developmental Services as their attorney, then became a board member and subsequently became board chair. Recently, I learned of their initiative with StayLitt Electric, IBEW 134/NECA (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and National Electrical Contractors Association) to revamp one of Oak Leyden's home's cooling systems. Oak Leyden serves children [...]

Accommodating Service Dogs @ Work

Jarry the Airedale--she's my "pairalegal" A client recently asked me about accommodating a service dog at work. There were no immediate concerns about having the service dog present (E.g, employee safety, health, etc.). However, one issue that arose was whether to communicate to employees the presence of the dog, and that this is [...]

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