I’m Quoted in ABA Journal Article “How Pro Bono Representations Lead to Paid Work for Lawyers;” New Client Testimonial; 6/20 Employee Classification & Compensation Seminar @ Chicago’s City Hall; & My LinkedIn Group Now Has 3,600+ Members

6/20 Employee Classification & Compensation Concerns City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St – 8th Floor, Room 805 Presented by Charles Krugel, a Management Side Labor, Employment and Human Resource Attorney. This workshop will be a discussion of the legal and record keeping issues concerning the independent contractor & employee classifications, as well as hourly vs. salaried compensation & [...]

I’m Quoted in 2 New Workplace Law Articles, The Economist & Business News Daily, & New Client Testimonial

Both articles are below & here: economist.com-After-Hours; & BND-Small Business Guide to Unemployment Insurance. Sandra Levin President, Orbit Skate Center-Palatine IL, Graphic Design, Network Marketing, Social Media & Entrepreneur I met Charles Krugel through my attorney Lawrence Steingold and retained him to help us with an employment legal issue. Charles is very easy to talk to and you [...]

New Client Testimonial-El Hogar Del Nino

We have used the services of Charles Krugel for about 2 years. He provides our organization, El Hogar Del Nino, with highly efficient and expedient legal services. We are a medium size non-profit community service organization and Charles  assists us with employment and program related issues. He's very responsive and expedient when handling the legal [...]

New Client Testimonial – Pacific Direct

As a UK based company remotely managing a US facility we have relied on Charles (Chuck) Krugel for his invaluable knowledge and guidance to US law. Chuck has been of enormous support to us supplying expert advice on any human resources or legal advice that we have had issues with, responding promptly and efficiently in an [...]

New Client Testimonial – Mark Thomas, The Alley Stores

Mark Thomas, The Alley Stores  Chuck Krugel is an amazing attorney and a good friend. He has the ability to differentiate between urgent matters and everyday nonsense quickly and apply triage when needed. He has a very deep understanding of small business needs and budgets, and has always been there as a friend when a quick [...]

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