New Client Testimonial – Mark Thomas, The Alley Stores

Mark Thomas, The Alley Stores  Chuck Krugel is an amazing attorney and a good friend. He has the ability to differentiate between urgent matters and everyday nonsense quickly and apply triage when needed. He has a very deep understanding of small business needs and budgets, and has always been there as a friend when a quick [...]

Client & I Beat IUOE Local 150 @ the NLRB

6/10/16: See my 6/2/16 update—Client & I Go 3-for-3 Against IUOE Local 150; We Beat Them @ Arbitration, the NLRB & Unemployment Comp. Board of Review Disclaimer: The below is merely an expression of the author's opinion (Krugel's opinion), & represents no findings of guilt or fault for any entity, party or person. All documents [...]

Concealed Carry @ Work: Holster the Hassle

A company recently asked me about Illinois’ concealed carry gun law, 430 ILCS 66 (effective 7/9/13). Obviously, this law permits licensed citizens to carry concealed guns. Specifically, I was asked should they permit concealed carry on company property.  If yes, then to what extent (everyone, only executives, only certain areas)? My answer is an unequivocal [...]

Bohemian House, One of My Clients, Draws Rave Reviews as a New Restaurant

Congratulations to a long time client of mine in opening up his newest restaurant & club, Bohemian House (BOHO), at Illinois & State Streets in Chicago's River North. BOHO has been receiving great reviews including a "very good" rating from WGN TV's Phil Vettel (see below).  BOHO was also given a 4/5 stars from Time [...]

By |2021-03-16T08:29:42-05:00November 13th, 2014|Charles Krugel, Chicago, Client Relations|0 Comments

Pticek’s Bakery, One of My Clients, Featured on Chicago’s Best Dessert

Pitcek's & Son Bakery, one of my clients, was featured on CLTV & WGN's Chicago's Best desserts segment on 10/13/14.  The bakery was founded in 1943 by John & Antoinette Pticek & has been run by their kids & grandkids since.  It's at 5523 S. Naragansett Ave., in Chicago's Garfield Ridge neighborhood. They're awesome!

By |2021-03-16T08:31:09-05:00November 2nd, 2014|Charles Krugel, Chicago, Client Relations, Clients|0 Comments
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