The AFL-CIO Fights for Self Preservation and the Status Quo – 3rd Post
In light of the attacks to its relevancy and in preparation for the July convention and elections, the AFL-CIO issued its own statement in April and June [...]
The Union Movement in Decline – 1st Posting
This is the 1st of several postings concerning the future of the AFL-CIO, and the labor movement as a whole, which will appear over the course of [...]
Preview: Upcoming Analysis of July’s AFL-CIO Convention & Elections in Chicago
In a few days (once my research is completed) I plan to analyze and discuss this months quadrennial AFL-CIO convention and elections taking place in downtown Chicago. [...]
Chuck Krugel Article in Small Business
An article I wrote has just been published on the Small Business website. It's a brief piece on my definition and perspective on human resources. Additionally, [...]
Chuck Krugel in the Chicago Tribune
The Chicago Tribune published my letter to the editor in response to Charles Madigan's humorous column in Wednesday's, June 1, edition. My letter appears on page 22 [...]
Project Labor Agreements in Illinois – Pending Legislation
If you are an organization doing business in Illinois, and are involved in any public works projects, or plan to bid on any public works projects, are [...]
Antrim Consulting
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Jean Durbahn, Owner, Antrim Consulting for providing proofreading and editing services for the biography and overview of human resources. [...]
Charles Krugel’s Biography
People often ask me how and why I got into labor and employment law and human resources consulting. Well, the following biographical statement provides a detailed explanation. [...]
Introduction to Charles Krugel & Human Resources & Labor & Employment Law
As a management side labor and employment attorney and human resources (HR) consultant, I have more than 10 years of experience in the field and have been [...]